Sunday, May 07, 2006

Backlit Beauties

I was inside all afternoon. I burned five cd's and should be ashamed of myself for not getting out on a glorious day such as this. The funny thing is I don't feel ashamed at all because I love making my playlists and cd's. My uncle is the only person who tells me how much he appreciates my cd's so I'm happy to stay in on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to burn some for him.

I burned two copies of one by mistake. It is version 2 of SoulPrayers and the first person who asks for it gets it. Sandy, I think you may be disqualified because I believe I burned an extra copy of Soulprayers 1 and I gave you that extra.

There is a bonus to getting out so late on this sunny afternoon. The daffodils are wonderfully backlit; the colours beautiful....

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